Heart of Texas Network Consultants Blog

Heart of Texas Network Consultants has been serving the Central Texas area since 1992, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

You Should Know the Difference Between COPE and BYOD

You Should Know the Difference Between COPE and BYOD

With mobile devices being such a big part of doing business, It’s crucial that your business has a plan to manage them. Many times this comes with a lot of hand-wringing. One of the biggest issues is whether or not the business invests in their employee mobility or if they simply demand that they gain use of employee-owned devices. In today’s blog we’ll go through the mobile management strategies of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE).

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Implementing Bring Your Own Device, Without Bringing Your Own Risks

Implementing Bring Your Own Device, Without Bringing Your Own Risks

There’s no denying that running a successful business comes with its fair share of costs, and many would argue that some of these costs are anything but fair. As such, it makes sense to try and minimize your operating expenses by any sustainable means. Let’s go over one such cost-saving measure you can implement—Bring Your Own Device policies—and address how to do so without shortchanging your business’ security in the process.

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Smartphones Have New Roles in Business

Smartphones Have New Roles in Business

No doubt you’ve noticed the increased use of smartphones. No matter where you go, people are on their phones. Sometimes they are using them in places you wouldn’t even imagine. For the modern business, employee smartphone usage can be a major pain in the side. Today, we’ll go into how smartphone usage helps and hurts a business and how to go about keeping employees from being on their phones for large chunks of the workday.

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Tip of the Week: Bring Your Own Device Policy Considerations

Tip of the Week: Bring Your Own Device Policy Considerations

Bring Your Own Device is a hot trend in today’s business environment, as it creates a ton of opportunities for businesses to cut costs. However, this is only true if you implement a BYOD policy that your organization can take advantage of, as it creates considerable problems for your unprepared businesses.

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Keep Bring Your Own Device From Becoming Bring Your Own Disaster

Keep Bring Your Own Device From Becoming Bring Your Own Disaster

Do you let your employees bring their own devices in for use on your company network or Wi-Fi connection? If so, we’re sure that they love the freedom that you provide for them, but we must warn you of the dangers that this can bring to an otherwise careful business. We’ll discuss some of the benefits, as well as the pitfalls, of allowing your employees to use personal devices in the workplace.

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BYOD Privacy: When Two Phones are Better Than One

b2ap3_thumbnail_bring_your_own_device_400.jpgBring Your Own Device (BYOD) has been a hot IT trend for the past few years. Initially, everybody loved the idea of workers using their personal smartphone for work and organizations were quick to adopt BYOD. Now, after years of trying out the policy, companies and employees are having reservations about BYOD, making some even long for the days of Blackberry.

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Old Mobile Devices Might Be Hurting Your Business’s Security

b2ap3_thumbnail_old_tech_security_risk_400.jpgOne of the greatest things about today's technology is that it has grown more mobile, and some employees like to bring their own devices from home to use for their workplace. This is called BYOD, and while it is useful sometimes, it might be putting your business at risk.

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Is Your Business Ready for the Security Challenges of Wearable Tech?

b2ap3_thumbnail_wearable_security_400.jpgDue to the growing popularity of employees using their personal devices in the workplace (BYOD), many companies have created BYOD policies to handle the unique security threats brought about by these devices. Does the new trend of wearable technology mean that you need a separate WYOD policy?

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5 BYOD Risks for Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_bringit400.jpgIn our last blog article, we introduced the IT trend of employees bringing in their personal devices to work (BYOD). We looked at 5 ways BYOD can help your business, but BYOD is not without risks. In part 2, we will cover five risks BYOD brings to your company's network and what you can to do manage them.

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Protect Your Business from BYOD Lawsuits

b2ap3_thumbnail_lawsuit400.pngMany businesses are discovering how great it is for employees to use their personal devices to accomplish work. BYOD has been proven to improve productivity and worker satisfaction; but like so many great things, these BYOD benefits are in danger of being shut down as employers are becoming concerned about being sued. How can you still benefit from BYOD while being protected from lawsuits?

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What You Need to Know About BYOD

A new technology trend is equipping workers with high-powered mobile devices, like tablets, smartphones, laptops, and more--at the worker's own expense. Employees are bringing their tech into work in order to be more efficient and productive while at the office. Is your organization ready for the Bring Your Own Device revolution?

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