Heart of Texas Network Consultants Blog

Heart of Texas Network Consultants has been serving the Central Texas area since 1992, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: Simple Privacy Steps on Android

Tip of the Week: Simple Privacy Steps on Android

Your Android device offers a lot of capabilities in its little frame, with many people relying on theirs to keep their lives organized and generally handled. Many businesses even rely on Android mobile devices. This should only reinforce how critical privacy and security are.

In light of this, we’ve shared a few simple tips anyone can do to help make a smartphone that much more secure. 

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Downloading and Installing APK Files Could Put Your Business at Risk

Downloading and Installing APK Files Could Put Your Business at Risk

Your Android smartphone is a computer in and of itself; as such, it runs with an operating system installed. You install programs on your smartphone the same way you install them on your computer, although the process is more complicated. Today, we want to explain the types of files that the Android operating system uses to install apps on your phone, as well as why it might be a good idea to let the Google Play Store do the hard work for you, in terms of locating and installing apps.

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XLoader Android Malware Runs in the Background and Steals Your Data

XLoader Android Malware Runs in the Background and Steals Your Data

Mobile malware isn’t common, but it’s growing increasingly more so. You may have heard of a malware called XLoader, which has been used to victimize people in over seven countries. This mobile threat has seen various iterations over the past several years, but you should be especially concerned these days.

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Tip of the Week: Archiving Android Apps to Save Space

Tip of the Week: Archiving Android Apps to Save Space

Back in April of this year, Google announced that the Android platform would be given the capability to archive unused applications to help preserve the precious storage space on the devices…provided that the device was almost out of available space. This auto-archive feature is now available to all users, regardless of the storage left on their device.

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Upcoming App Archiving Option for Android Devices Might Help You Save Storage Space

Upcoming App Archiving Option for Android Devices Might Help You Save Storage Space

Have you ever struggled with storage space on your Android device? For individuals who have, we bet that downloading applications that you ultimately don’t end up using very often is a major culprit here. To help you clear up storage space on your device, Android will receive an auto-archiving feature that can save you significant amounts of storage space by archiving your unused applications.

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Tip of the Week: Keep Your Android Device Updated

Tip of the Week: Keep Your Android Device Updated

If you use Android mobile devices, then you’ll know that updating your device is routine maintenance to keep it safe from threats and security breaches. Not only that, but updating your device can resolve various bugs which impact functionality. Let’s go over how you can update your device to the latest version of its operating system.

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Tip of the Week: Retrieving Dismissed Android Notifications

Tip of the Week: Retrieving Dismissed Android Notifications

We’ve all accidentally swiped away an important notification on our mobile devices, but not all of us know that Android devices give us the opportunity to go back and check them. For this week’s tip, we’re going to go over the process of how you can retrieve these notifications.

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New Android Malware Wants to Spend Your Money

New Android Malware Wants to Spend Your Money

“Wait, I didn’t buy that!”

That’s what many smartphone users have been saying lately, as a prevalent strain of malware has been infecting Android devices. The malware is called “toll fraud malware” and it’s been signing users up to services they don’t want.

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Malware That Targets Android Can Cause Major Problems

Malware That Targets Android Can Cause Major Problems

You often hear about malware that infects desktop PCs, laptops, or servers, but other types of malware that infect mobile devices also exist. One such malware, a threat called TangleBot, has been discovered, and it can become seriously problematic for both workers and consumers utilizing Android devices—especially in today’s mobile-centric workplace.

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Tip of the Week: Lesser-Known Google Play Features

Tip of the Week: Lesser-Known Google Play Features

Android device users rely on the Google Play Store to source applications, but many may not be aware of the controls and features that the Play Store has to offer. Let’s go over some of these features that could prove useful.

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Tip of the Week: Using Your Android Device from Your Desktop

Tip of the Week: Using Your Android Device from Your Desktop

Windows 10 has long played nice with the Android platform, but did you know that there is a way that you can actually use the same apps you would find on your mobile device on your PC? For this week's tip, we'll go over how you can enable this capability.

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Let’s Take a Look Around Android 11

Let’s Take a Look Around Android 11

There may not be any “official” date set for the release of Android 11, we have gotten a glimpse of it through beta testing. Let’s take a look at some of the features you might see when the OS officially launches.

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Tip of the Week: Altering Your Android Device’s Power Settings

Tip of the Week: Altering Your Android Device’s Power Settings

As a smartphone gets older, it’s battery will start to degrade. For years it was as simple as replacing the battery on the device, but over the past several years, no major smartphone manufacturer builds devices with removable batteries. Fortunately for users, the Android OS has made it a point to build power settings into the software that provides them the ability to manipulate how power is used on the phone. Today, we will take a look at some of the settings you can use to keep your device running longer.

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Tip of the Week: Avoid These Types of Android Apps

Tip of the Week: Avoid These Types of Android Apps

The Google Play Store has a massive selection of applications available for users to download. Unfortunately, just because they’re available to be downloaded, doesn’t necessarily mean that they should be downloaded. In fact, many of these apps should be avoided. For this week’s tip, we’ll go over a few categories of application that you shouldn’t download in the first place.

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Tip of the Week: Restoring Your Android Applications

Tip of the Week: Restoring Your Android Applications

While there aren’t many reasons that you would want to restore your existing Android applications, the ones that do factor in are pretty compelling. Here, we’ll take you through the process of doing just that.

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Android Work Profiles Enable Productivity

Android Work Profiles Enable Productivity

Many users want to use personal devices in a business setting, but some businesses do not support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) due to fear of data loss. There are a few options to separate work data, but not restrict users from their own personal apps or data. Today we will look at how your business can take advantage of employees that already having a capable device, and how you can keep them from compromising security.

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Tip of the Week: Five Deliciously Useful Tips for Android Pie

Tip of the Week: Five Deliciously Useful Tips for Android Pie

Although Android Q is on its way, Android Pie still has a lot to offer a user - a lot of which many users may not be aware of. For this week’s tip, we’ve compiled a few ways that Android Pie allows you to customize your phone to be the productivity machine you want at your side.

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Tip of the Week: Easy Android Use Tricks

Tip of the Week: Easy Android Use Tricks

Android devices are known for being customizable, which doesn’t always translate well to user-friendliness. However, if configured properly, these devices feature some nifty shortcuts to just about any function you might require from your device. Here are just four easy ones:

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Setting Android’s Security Options

Setting Android’s Security Options

You might be shocked to find out that your mobile device holds a considerable amount of personally identifiable information on it. This has prompted many users to secure their phones at all times, but others simply ignore the threat and brush it aside. Since Google makes it so easy, there’s no excuse for Android users not to secure their devices. Here’s how you can do it.

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Ditching the iPhone for an Android Phone Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

Ditching the iPhone for an Android Phone Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

Learning how to use a new technology can sometimes be troubling. If you’ve been a dedicated Apple customer throughout the years, but are considering switching allegiances to Android, you should know that simple differences between the two platforms can end up disorienting. Here are a few things you have to know when switching away from the iPhone.

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